Project Highlights
This portfolio showcases a variety of our design, construction, and installation projects. We have deep experience providing geothermal heating and cooling solutions for commercial, municipal, and high-end residential clients.
Here is a sampling of projects that demonstrate the depth of our experience:

Stoneybrook Apartments
Epping, NH
California Property Management, GC/Owner
New construction of two multifamily apartment buildings of approximately 35,000 square feet each. Geothermal system for space conditioning consists of 4 shortened Standing Column Wells for one building and 3 Supply to Diffusion wells for the other building. The well systems are interfaced with distributed forced air heat pumps in each apartment unit.

Salem State Library
Salem, MA
SAK Environmental LLC, Environmental Engineer
This vertical Closed Loop geothermal system is supplemented by both heating and cooling for peak loads. The 48 vertical boreholes provide approximately 120 tons of cooling and 1000 MBH of heating. The borefield and a central valve vault were all located beneath a parking area adjacent to the new library facility.

Private Residence
Andover, MA
Black Hawk Builders LLC, General Contractor
This newly constructed residence has a total area of approximately 23,000 square feet with an estimated peak load of 40 tons. A Closed Loop vertical geothermal system was installed, consisting of 28 vertical bores approximately 440 feet deep in the front yard. The geothermal system also provides supplemental heating and heat rejection for the pool natatorium system.

RiverMead Retirement Community
Peterborough, NH
JSA Architects
New construction of approximately 120,000 square foot retirement facility. Geothermal system for space conditioning consists of 6 Standing Column Wells interfaced with central hot/chilled water heat pump plant.

Private Residence
New York State
New construction of a custom home with a 100-ton peak load. The geothermal system for space conditioning consists of 44 Closed Loop boreholes on 4 circuits, interfaced with a central hot/chilled water heat pump plant.

Mt St Mary’s Candy House
Wrentham, MA
AVID Engineers, MEP Engineer
New construction of approximately 20,000 square foot single-story manufacturing building. Geothermal system for space conditioning of offices and chilled candy manufacturing process consists of three Standing Column Wells interfaced with distributed forced air heat pumps and process chiller.

Greenfield Community College
Greenfield, MA
RDK Engineers, MEP Engineer
Renovation of existing college campus buildings to increase energy efficiency of chiller system. Geothermal system consists of six Standing Column Wells interfaced with central chiller plant as first stage of heat rejection.

Northborough Senior Center
Northborough, MA
RDK Engineers, MEP Engineer
New construction of approximately 13,400 square foot senior center. Geothermal system for space conditioning consists of two Standing Column Wells interfaced with central hot/chilled water heat pump plant.

Hawthorne Hotel
Salem, MA
VAV International, MEP Engineer
Design only for retrofit of approximately 90,000 square feet of historic hotel on the town common. Geothermal system design for space conditioning and preheating domestic hot water consists of 44 Closed Loop bores beneath the parking area, interfaced with central hot/chilled water heat pump plant.

Wells High School
Wells, ME
Lavallee Brensinger Architects
Design only for 80,000 square feet of new expansion space adjacent to 40,000 square feet of retrofit for the existing high school. The Closed Loop geothermal design of 78 vertical bores beneath the parking area can handle 3300 MBH peak heating and 195 ton peak cooling loads. A buried valve vault was incorporated for exterior isolation and balancing of the six groups of 13 bores each.

Private Residence
Harvard, MA
Peter Rose & Partners, Architect
New construction of a 2500+ square foot custom residence and detached studio utilizing a hydronic geothermal-based HVAC system. One Standing Column Well interfaces with two hydronic heat pumps.

Moosehead Manufacturing
Dover-Foxcroft, ME
Goodwin Water & Well, Inc., Well Contractor
A full gut retrofit of the existing facility to a multi-use building with offices and tenant space, utilizing a ground source heat pump (GSHP) based HVAC system. The building has a total area of approximately 60,000 square feet with estimated peak heat loads of 1,675 MBH and peak cooling loads of 145 tons. An open Standing Column Well geothermal system consisting of 9 wells approximately 1200 feet deep was designed and implemented.

Boston Architectural College
Boston, MA
Boston Architectural College, Owner
As part of the “Green Alley” renovation project, eight Standing Column Wells were installed for a central heating and cooling system. The well system will be utilized in future renovations to the heating and cooling plant.

New York City
Renovation of a six-story townhouse in an urban setting. The geothermal system consists of one Standing Column Well that interfaces with multiple heat pumps for space conditioning, pool heating/dehumidification, and wine cellar temperature/humidity stabilization.

Private Residence
Greenwich, CT
Edwards & Zuck PC, MEP Engineer
New construction of approximately 12,000 square foot custom residence utilizing a hydronic geothermal-based HVAC system with boiler backup and floor warming. A Closed Loop vertical geothermal system was installed, consisting of 12 vertical bores approximately 450 feet deep in the back yard.
Hunters Point Community Library
Queens, NY
Steven Holl Architects
Design only for a five-story, 22,000 square foot library located adjacent to the East River. Geothermal system design for space conditioning consisted of 32 Closed Loop vertical boreholes interfaced with ducted forced air delivery.